Work and Travel in Pembrokeshire

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Please edit this section to tell travellers what kinds of short term work is available in Pembrokeshire all year round. Mention skills that are in demand here more than other places. If you can get some work as a translator in Pembrokeshire but it is as hard as anywhere else, please don't list it. If it is a region in China that cannot get enough English translators.... I think you get the idea.



The 2 big 'industries' in Wales are Tourism and Farming. Both are seasonal with help needed during Spring. There are many small 'cottage industries' in Wales too.


The 2 big 'industries' in Wales are Tourism and Farming. Both are seasonal with the busies period being the summer months. There are many small 'cottage industries' in Wales too.


The 2 big 'industries' in Wales are Tourism and Farming. Both are seasonal with help needed during Autumn. There are many small 'cottage industries' in Wales too.


There is limited opportunity to volunteer in Pembrokeshire during the winter months.


Pembrokeshire is a tourist destination and is visited by people from all over the world. Most of the visitors come from the UK, then next largest numbers to least (in my experience) are German then Dutch. Then New Zealanders, Aussies and Americans in about equal numbers. Then Austria and Switzerland. Finally we are visited by people from lots of other areas of the word, and we enjoy meeting everyone!

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