Work and Travel – Hostel World’s new TV ad
Want to be in a movie with Jackie Chan in Rajasthan?
Duncan, , India, Movie extra, Work and Travel, 1
Rajasthan Extras need foreigners for several up and coming movies in Rajasthan This has to be one of...
Explore rural Himalayas India working with children
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
The primary goal of R.O.S.E. is to elevate the health, education and quality of life of the rural poor...
Would you participate in a teaching volunteer project in South Africa?
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
The Amapondo Children's Project (ACP for short) started in 2001 and was registered as a non-profit organisation (048-276-NPO) in...
New hostel in Nepal needs help
Duncan, , Hostel receptionist, Nepal, Work and Travel, 1
Want to help out in Nepal? A new hostel needs help in Kathmandu We have had many people asking...
Sicily holidays & volunteer opportunity for working travellers
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Can you recollect the most well-known fact about Sicily except for being the Motherland of mafia? :) It is...
Village volunteer community is looking for working travellers to join their team in Uganda
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Village Volunteer Uganda is a nonprofit volunteer project aimed to support village communities in Uganda, to move them towards...
Volunteer opportunity at the dogsledding company in Iceland
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
DogSledding Iceland is a family owned business with Siggi (Icelandic) and Klara (French) at the head of the company. It...
India organic farmers society is looking for working travellers
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
ADISIL is a farming organisation that has been continuously reflecting on the importance, relevance, needs and challenges of sustainable...
Have an interesting skills? Want to be featured you on the home page? Contact us at Host Support and lets us know about your working traveller quest. A pic of you doing the WT sign will help for sure.
You can then access all the help pages and information on how to work and travel.
If you want to build your skills and see the world at the same time - what better way to do it than be a Working Traveller.
If you can't manage on your own in peak season of you need skills you don't have - Working Traveller is a great way to get things done if your a host - when you need them doing.