What is Working Traveller?
Working Traveller is an online recruitment service for travellers who want to find short term work in the countries they are travelling to – like you. Advertise your skills to 1,000s of hosts around the world looking for volunteers and paid workers to do all kinds of things for them at the time you will be in their country. Growing your skills on your work placements will gain valuable work references that will help you gain paid work as you travel and a good job when you get back home. All for just €10 a year. Less than the price of one night stay in a hostel. If you plan ahead, you can get months of work booked up saving you a fortune on your round the world trip. You also get to experience the real local culture when you are working as one of them and not passing through as a tourist.
The question is…. “Do you have what it takes to be a Working Traveller?”

Why make a profile?
It takes half an hour max to fill in your skills/work experience, where you will be in the world on your travels and to estimate when you will be there. Then a bit more time to find 100s of interesting work opportunities that need your skills at the time you will be in that country. You apply for the work knowing all your details are being sent directly to the right person’s email address at the click of a button. Use the free standard version to check out the work opportunities available to you and pay the €10 for full membership a month or two before you plan to leave when you are ready to contact 100s of hosts to get your working traveller trip booked up and make it a reality.
Alternatively, you can spend days in Google or volunteer sites searching to find potential hosts that might let you stay, emailing each host over and over-explaining your skills and how you can be of help to them. Alternatively, you can pay lots of money to a Work and Travel Gap Year company that will book you a tour and call it a Work and travel program 🙂
Is Working Traveller for you?
If you are looking to use your skills to gain valuable work references for a job when you get back home in the countries you are traveling too – Working Traveller is for you. If you are still not convinced take a look at the How to guides and top tips below.
How to – guides to setting up your profile
Top Tips on how to be a Working Traveller
Sign up
Work and Travel Country Guides

How we see it
Working Traveller was started by a host who got annoyed with volunteers turning up who just wanted a free bed and food. He worked hard and wanted like-minded workers who enjoyed what they did to work with, not to micro manage. Working Traveller is about skills, learning them, earning from them and getting references from the hard work you do as you travel around the world. The fact you get a free bed and food should be a secondary bonus.
If you follow the help videos in the how to links above and put in the effort, you will be able to learn how to earn your way around the world using your skills or from the skills you pick up on the way that will get you a good job when you get back home.
Working Traveller is not about getting a free bed for a few hours work – it’s about pushing yourself to do your best and getting work experience references and once you are good at what you do, paid for your efforts.