Safety tips: Why contacting via Working Traveller is good idea

3f11f12d76db39f1365676850175c26eLet’s say you already made the first step and found a good work opportunity on In your head you’re already imagining yourself partying in Rio, exploring jungles in Thailand or maybe visiting medieval villages in France. So the next step would be sending the request through the website but suddenly host offers you to message him directly on his email or Facebook. What’s wrong with it? Isn’t it supposed to be faster or easier? Well, not really. Cause you are the one who will be traveling (probably alone) and who will need guarantees that your negotiation will work. And hardly you will be happy to find out that conditions and other benefits you agreed about before are not exactly as you expected. Just think about it, if your future host, the person who is supposed to be your new and maybe only friend in a new place can’t provide you with this basic safety, should you trust him? It’s not easier for hosts too.  Cause this way they will need to email you back, ask questions about you, your skills and past experiences, where as through they have all the info they need about you right there in your profile. Of course you have the last word about it, but don’t forget that by accepting your request here through Working Traveller, the host will officially guarantee you all the conditions you accepted i.e. dates, accommodation, type and  duration of work and anything else you would like to ask for. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have any responsibility! After all you’ll get a reference which will help you to continue volunteering. Oops, but…you probably forgot that it won’t be possible to get an official reference without accepting work placement on Working Traveller too. Making a work placement agreement before you start your journey is the only way you will get a reference and can build you profile to use when you are looking for a job when you go back home. Photo credit (c) Angela Giakas

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