Almost all of us make bucket lists. The bucket list of real travellers incudes new destinations. We are pretty sure, that almost all of you put Norwegian fjords there. Those of you who haven’t signed it off yet check out this new work post.
A family of four lives at the northern shore of the Trondheimsfjord in Norway. This is a truly picturesque and peaceful area with beautiful nature. Their house is opened for volunteers from middle of April till the end of November. They are ready to provide you with accommodation and free food as well as with free Internet. Hosts have a big garden designed for self sufficiency, so this is a place you will mostly work at if you decide to come. That might be weeding, watering, harvesting, covering the walkways with stones, etc. They may also ask you to help about the house. The family would love to hear from carpenters and general builders as they have a small construction company and have some work always going on there. At the moment they are planning to finish the reconstruction work of a garage till the end of 2017, so if you have some practical skills, you may join them.

That’s not only constant working waiting for you in that amazing part of Norway. There are a lot of activities you can participate during your free time. Hiking in the mountains or fishing trips (as this is an inlet of the Norwegian Sea). You will learn how to brew beer, bake bread and a lot of new things about nature and gardening.
By the way, Trondheim Fjord was an important waterway in the Viking Age. It remains an impressive destination to follow. For example, this fjord is famous for four giant squids that have been found there which is among the highest concentrations in the world. It is high time you got yourself here – just give yourself a try and apply for this work.