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Zayera Khan
member since May 19 2019
My skills
Experienced with agriculture, wildlife, cattle and some forestry. Like being outdoors.
- Wildlife rescue center, Thailand, 2014-2015
- Management of a Private Game Reserve course, Campfire Safaris, Houdspruit, South Africa 2011
- Caritas Bergeinsatz experience at Alpfarm near Spiez, Switzerland 2010
- wwoofing experience at Ramsjö Gård, Björklinge, Sweden 2008 and 2010
- wwoofing experience at Knidia, Datca Peninsula, Turkey 2009
- I know how to milk goats, sheep, and cattle, experienced through nomadic stay in Mongolia, 2006.
Languages Spoken
English (Mother Tongue) Swedish (Mother Tongue) German (Advanced) Urdu (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner) French (Beginner) Sign LanguageAbout Me
I am a morning person, enjoy the outdoors and physical activities. Like hiking and walking.
Eat mostly vegetarian and vegan diet. Non-smoker, non drinker.