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Yulia Slinyakova



member since Jun 17 2016


My skills

My name is Yulia, I am 18 and I live in Mogilev city, Belarus. I would like to begin with some facts about myself. To start of, I am very dynamic, optimistic and friendly person who is full of desire to gain new experience. In addition, you will find me to be easy-going and open-minded human being who always wants to meet new challenges. I see myself as a reliable person, ready to help and support. I am interested in different cultures, art, psychology, travelling, reading and communication.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner) Russian (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

Also I believe that I can make a positive changing in the world outside Belarus as well as bring some innovations back in home which will be implemented in my mother country. So I have a great motivation, desire, purpose, willingness and hope that soon I will be at your work. I am sure it will be great collaboration!

About Me

I am full of energy and inspiration I would like to devote myself to a volunteer work. This is my conscious choice in line with my life philosophy. It is a good way to write down a new chapter in my life! That is why Im looking exactly for volunteer work at workongtraveller. For me this is a type of projects where you can really do something useful and interesting for people. Moreover, this is a type of projects where you have a great opportunity to improve yourself, see the world, learn more about the other cultures and make many international friends. Perfect combination! I have a specific motivation and great desire to apply as fast as possible. According to my experience and interests I will be very useful participant. I am sure! Because besides my potential and willingness to help, I can put all my skills obtained from those spheres where I have been involved during all my life.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
