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Satya Prakash Sharma



member since Jun 11 2019


My skills

As per yogi i started my yoga journey when i was only 8 years old. As i remember but when I think about before 8 years than i was born as an yogi.


I come from a Brahmins where from the childhood traditionally was taught vadic knowledge yoga Meditation Pranayama mantra.

As i remember when i was  4 or 5 years from that age i am doing vadic sandhaya with Meditation that gave my elder brother. As well as i was doing mantra chanting and yoga practice with full of Devotion.

I started my study in school where all studying culture was GURUKUL oriented that was a great time for me.


Then i studied 2 years on himalaya in a Government college.

When i went to stay for college my all schedule has been changed by college life after completing studies i had  started

Job as an IT service engineer. After 10 years i feel to come back to my root to complete my yoga journey.

After completing my yoga certification i started to teach yoga classes organize many yoga Marathons a huge yoga classes india and other countries like Belarus Ukraine

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Hindi (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

Yogi SatyaPrakash

As per Yogi, I started my Yoga Journey when I was only 8 years old as I remember but when I think about before 8 years then I was borne as A Yogi.

Coz from the beginning my family traditionally as same  Bhartia(Indian) BRAHMIN, my mother believed in ARYA SAMAJ very spiritual lady  so I could say from by birth I am YOGI .

i I am inspire the knowledge of Swami DAYANANDA

                                                    SARSWATI  founder of ARYA SAMAJ.

As I remembered When I was 4 or 5 year old I had started daily vaidic sandhya that gave by my eldest Brother as well as Yagya (Hawan) practice with my elder brother, before this age I chanted Gaytri Mantra with Vaidik sandhya & Yoga practice with full devotion in Vaidik Knowledge as per my Family and Gurukul (school totally based on GURUKUL style study and lifestyle) was taught me at my childhood education (school).

One year I studied on HIMALAYA in a Govt., inter college.

When I went my college all suddenly had changed there was no atmosphere as per Vaidic gurukul or education I completed my college and started working as a IT technician but I was not satisfied between my job due to un satisfaction I continued my Master Degree. I changed many cities for mental peace with my IT job.

In addition, one day due to a lot of work presser I resigned from my job and caught myself for 1 and half years alone in a Room with my vaidic books and my SADHANA and Yoga practice. and I read about a lot of Bahrtia(Indian) saint Like Swami Dyanand Sarswati,Vivekananda,every saint one were saying same with their own way.

I came to inspired with many swami and saint who are working continue for betterment of society like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, Swami Ram Dev ji, Swami Aparokshanand Sarswati ji many more now serving to people around the whole world.


I have my organization name is YOGASHRAM here in india.



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I felt unhappiness among people around me.

In addition, started to teach yogic Kriya with Pranayam & Meditation.

I had taken many seminars in colleges, universities, prisons smart programs, child prisons with Yoga sessions in different-different city in India Kanpur, Fatehghar Jhansi served widows old houses in Kanpur city and old age houses brings a lot of changes and happiness on their faces.

Then decided I will bring happiness through Yogic kriyas for allover world. In 2015, I mate a friend from Belarus, she invited me for few seminars then I got Invitation from Indian Embassy an Ambassador in Belarus as a special Guest on 21 June on world yoga day did there many Yoga seminars. Then I went Ukraine for few seminars for Yoga and Meditation behalf of Indian Embassy in 2016 and same 2017 too.

I went there and teach many master classes people were same as if in India perhaps they had very little change in skin.


There were 4 to 5 interviews with Russian TB channels you can watch on site.

Before one month again was in Ukraine for one month on occasion of 21 June World yoga day as a special guest by Indian Embassy.


There in one month did more than six Yoga seminars with Master Yoga classes about true journey of yoga and happiness with few TV interview.

I likes to meet new peoples from different-different countries and teach them Bhartia (Indian) Vaidic Yogic Kriya and knowledge.

I want make fearless society with peaceful mind and excellent health around the world by Yoga and Vaidic Knowledge  

 Really, YOGA is my soul I will teach Yoga with my full devotion these classes are not doing as professional way. Yoga is my pleasure, yoga is my passion, and yoga is my life style.

I want bring yoga on a different label, truly Yoga is not gymnasts Yoga brings a very traditional ASANA and pranayam with meditation these three combined words become SADHANA.

SADHANA is very strong practice for a YOGI. In addition, this practice can do any person whether he/she working, house wife, students, and KIDS too.

SADHANA should be part of my life on daily basis by this practice we can make our soul more pure and holly with smiling face in any condition with life up and down.

A best wishes for humanity

Yogi SatyaPrakash



About Me

i love to travailing,flying to other countries and explore different places. i am also much querulous to meet other countries people and tast different different food.

i am very good cook for indian and taking ayurveda  indian spices cooking  classes.


Where I am available for work and when

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