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Yamin Hossain
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Caregiver for Adolescent/Teenagers Caregiver for Children Plants Waterer Potato Picker Sign Writer Illustrator 3D Illustrator Landscape Photographer Portrait Photographer Operating Systems
Yamin Hossain
member since Nov 25 2023
My skills
- Microsoft Word, Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint etc.
- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Hardware, Software Installation etc.
- Internet Browsing, E-mail management and good command at Social Media.
Languages Spoken
Bengali/Bangla (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Hindi (Medium) English (Advanced) Sign LanguageFull CV / Resume
- 2 years in Rahmat ecom and other as computer operator.
- 1 year 6 months in SB Computer as computer operator.
- 1 year in Nurul Amin Stone Crashing Factory as Field Manager.
- Connect Overseas Ltd. as Office Executive (Running).
About Me
- Working with any business sector, Environmental issues and administrative support.
- Watching Sky and TV News, Listening to Music.
- Watching movies, reading books and traveling.
- Portrait Photography
- Gardening
- Computer Operating
- Logo Design