• Group logo of Events 4014

    Events that have an audience and are live. This can be a festival to a car launch or a party for a King on a desert island.

  • Group logo of Hotel Back of House 1011

    All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.

  • Group logo of Hotel Receptionist 852

    Someone who works on the reception of a hotel and can deal with guests – booking them in and dealing with their enquires.

  • Group logo of Caring 1243


  • Group logo of Immigration & Refugee Help 994

    If you are willing to help out with refugees doing whatever is needed by the NGO’s that are organising the help, add this as a skill to your profile.

  • Group logo of Tour Group Guide 872

    You have experience or certification in tour guiding in its most common form – leading groups.

  • Group logo of House Cleaner 1981

    Cleaners usually either work for a cleaning company and work with a team of cleaners. Or they work for themselves and personally visit each client.

  • Group logo of Hotel Housekeeper (Manager) 2103

    Housekeeping Management