The lead deckhand will be the most experienced deckhand and will be given the most important roles on deck during close quarter manoeuvring and mooring or anchoring. The lead deckhand will often be responsible for […]
The first officer is the captain’s second in command and also manages the deck crew team. The first officer will regularly take bridge watches and will often be responsible for the majority of the yacht’s pas […]
Someone who works just like the manager of the hostel but is a night owl and happy to work the night shifts running the hostel. You should have good hostel manager experience if you add this to your skills or be […]
Stonemasonry or stonecraft is the creation of buildings, structures, and sculpture using stone as the primary material.
Electrical Installation – wiring houses, farms and anything else to do with installing an electrical system.
Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. An interior designer is someone who […]
Someone who has worked in hostels for years and is able to run a hostel 100% without the owner being on site. So, running it like its your own place. Managing/hiring staff, dealing with day to day running of the hostel.
Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history. So all skills involved in this area should be in this Skill group.
The Steward(ess) has the most exposure to the guests, serving drinks and food, looking after the housekeeping and generally making sure that the guests have everything that they need to make their stay on board […]
The main responsibility of a Tour Consultant is to provide travel information and answers enquiries by tourists. They also assist with database management, creating itineraries, handling of bookings and travel […]
Larger yachts will have a second officer in addition to the first officer. The second officer will share the bridge responsibilities of the first officer and will generally act as the first officer’s understudy.
This means that you can install, configure, and test a new piece of hardware will be installed, configured, and tested in a computer. New hardware installed in a computer is system memory, hard drives, video […]
An auto mechanic performs maintenance, diagnostic testing, repairs, and inspections of small trucks and cars. They work on engines, drive belts, transmissions, and electronic systems such as steering, brakes, and […]
Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures.