member since Mar 28 2017
Host overview
Working Traveller believes in what we are doing. We use our own site to find the talent we need to make it all happen. We are currently based in the North of England near the beach. What do we do as a host? We make Working Traveller happen, all the behind the scenes activities no one thinks about, it all goes on here. We are a team of writers, techies, and general Working Travellers who make everything work around here
Work Posts
What we provide
Private room
Meat Dishes
Cook own food
Strong Wifi
Local pick up
How we work
You get your own private room in the Coworking Coliving Somewhere Different digital nomad house near the beach in the UK. Work times and remuneration specific to each work placement. When Captain Corona allows we then work from Somewhere Different in Siwa Oasis Egypt in the winters. For now, it's Blackpool in the UK.