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Vilde Soraunet



member since Jun 19 2023


My skills

We are two girls, Fanny and Vilde, from Norway who are studying to be Clinical Psychologist at the University of Bergen. In our semester off we are travelling Europe and are looking for a place to work while travelling. We are polite, outgoing, open to new people and never say no to a challenge. Both of us grew up on farms and have a good working ethic. Friends and family describe us both as creative, warm and good at building relations.

Languages Spoken

Norwegian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) German (Beginner) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Education- Fanny Svarva Horstad

2015-2018: Rena Ungdomsskole (Rena Junior High School)
2018-2021: Elverum Videregående, studiespesialisering (Elverum Upper Secondary School, specialization in general studies)
2021-Present: UiB, profesjonsstudiet i psykologi (University of Bergen, professional clinical studies in psychology). Starting the second year in autumn 2022.

2016-2017: Swimming instructor for children aged 3-7 at Rena Leir
2018-2019: Lifeguard at Rena Leir. Completed lifeguard training during this period.
2019-2022: Part-time assistant at Floriss Elverum (flower shop)
2022-Present: Substitute caregiver at Jekteviken Barnehagen (Jekteviken Kindergarten)

Education- Vilde Soraunet

Ole Vig High School 2017-2020- Specialization in Biology and Mathematics
Ålesund Folk High School 2020-2021. Focus areas: Outdoor activities, Glassblowing, and Cultural Understanding
Professional Clinical Studies in Psychology at the University of Bergen 2021-

Instructor at Tine Football School 2016 & 2017
Custodian at Moksnes Sport 2017-2019
Waiter at Luftkrigsskolen (Air Force Academy) 2018-2020- Waiter and Kitchen Assistant for large events
Assistant at Skatval Bosenter 2020-
Responsible for care, environmental work, and medication distribution
Assistant at the Follow-up Service for Substance Abuse and Psychiatry 2022- Responsible for medication distribution and daily assistance
Mentor at the University of Bergen 2022- Responsible for ensuring new students are academically and socially integrated into the study environment.

About Me

In our speartime when we are not studying, we like to go hiking in the mountains in Bergen. We have also done some sailing and surfing. Lay out interests for yoga and meditation has grown. We love social events and would like to experience new culturs and get new friends.
Fanny also love gardening after working many years in a flowershop. Vilde have a special interest for pottery and crocheting.



Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
