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Vardanush Meliksetyan



member since Feb 12 2019


My skills

I am from Armenia

Job- Programmer

Languages -  Armenian – Native, English – Fluent, Russian – good, French- Beginner

I have been to many countries.

Languages Spoken

Armenian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Russian (Advanced) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume


computer skilLS




MS Office, Excel, Microsoft Power Point, e-mail and internet research


C++ , C#, SQL server, ACCPAC SDK


JAVA- Beginner


-------Systrotech LLC                                                                          From Feb 2018 -Now








-------Mkhitar Heraci Yerevan State Medical University                 Feb 2010 – July 2011






--------BAMO   company                                                                                               2009








Director Assistant


●  Answer and transfer -calls of  the  BAMO office in Moscow


●  Send  and  receive e-mails as instructed


●  Arrange necessary documentation folder


●  Translate documents and e-mails  into necessary languages ( Russian, Armenian, English)




--------Valencia   LLC , Water World, Information Center                                         2009




Information Agent


●  Answer  -calls


●  Translate correspondence into Russian and Armenian, and back to English


●  Provide Valencia LLC, Water World  staff with required documentation


●  Arrange  meetings  for  special guests


professional development




I was an exchange student in USA   (FLEX)                                                     2006-2007   




 Being a FLEX student I was a  Newspaper Company Assistant :


●   Answer and transfer -calls


●   Arrange and coordinate the meeting and other events schedules


●   Send  e-mails as instructed




      ▪   I received a certificate appreciating successfully passed French courses        2006-2007




conferences and trainingS




International Conference in Croatia                                                                           March 2006




▪ The conference was organized  by   “ Youth Achievements” organization.


   I presented  Armenian culture.


      ▪ Certificate of appreciation received in  March

I worked as a volunteer                                                                Summit, Portugal, 2018

. Helping start ups with everything

About Me

When I am in a different country, I like just walk around the city, see how people are leaving in that country,  I like to try their national foods, shopping during sale season.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
