Leisure and touring concepts
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Renk van Oyen
member since Oct 23 2015
My skills
I'm a skilled creative concepter, imagineer and event-creator. I design concepts for the cultural sector, for companies and for the tourist industry. Specialised in concepting for hoss and cityguide-training and tour-design and production.
Languages Spoken
Dutch (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Swedish (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
I started my working career as entertainmentprofessional in the theatre and it is a love that has never left me. I've produced, directed and organised events and shows for years. Combining this experience with my current knowledge of custumer satisfaction and experience design, is ideal.
Making it something to actively experience. I'm passionate about the arts and the people that both produce and consume it. I believe in the dignity of people, which is why I find it so important to know and to teach about how we are influenced and shaped by our environment. It really is worth knowing!
After my cultural science-study (CMV), I have worked as producer and director for theatre, events, radio and evision. After that I spent very enjoyable years organising events with medieaval music, jousting tournaments and re-enactors. Nowadays, my experience and knowledge alllow me to create experiential concepts for the cultural sector, companies and for the hospitality- and tourist sector.
I invite you to take a look at my blog. This will give you an idea. I'm afraid I have to translate my CV into English first.
I live, breathe and die art (the latter not yet 😉 ) and I'm looking for opportunities to work abroad for a period of time.
** The amount of barterpoints and pay relies on the work involved **
About Me
Although my work is quite specific, I can't sit still very long. All through my workinglife I have had work in which a hands-on mentality was crucial. I'm very used to do lots of different things at once. I'm friendly, chaotic but professional, unconventional in my thinking, a good listener aswell as talker.