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Tiffany Garges

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Tiffany Garges



member since May 28 2019


My skills

I have had a little over five years of customer service experience, most of which have been spent in food service and hospitality. Any of my past employers can speak to my work ethic and people skills. I pride myself on my time management and my ability to engage with customers professionally and warmly. My goal, wherever I am working, is to create an experience for the customer that will be fondly remembered and I look forward to pursuing that goal with you!

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

Tiffany Garges





My favorite part of any job is engaging with the people, whether it is the customers or my coworkers. I always love meeting new people and developing new skills that allow me to maximize my potential as an employee as well as a representative of the company. 


Planet Beach Spa, Sales Associate   — 2016-2018

As a key holder of Planet Beach, I had many responsibilities including balancing the register, filing reports, making sales, maintenance of equipment, and sanitation of the stations. 

The Cliffs Ho and Spa — 2017-Present 

My time at the Cliffs has been an enjoyable and extremely valuable experience. I have learned so much from each position I have been promoted to. I have worked as a hostess, a busser, an expediter, a pool server, an in-room dining server, and a restaurant server. Each of these positions expanded my skillset in a multitude of ways including time management, filing, radio operation, sanitation, food preparation, ecommunication, and customer service. 

Mason Bar and Kitchen — 2018-2019

This job introduced me to another area of service; tending bar. I began as a busser at Mason Bar but swiftly worked my way up until eventually being promoted to bar back. I was excited to embrace the new challenges of this position and I’m very grateful to have added to my skillset.


Allan Hancock College — Communications 2019


Varius natoque turpis elementum est. Duis montes, lus lobortis lacus amet arcu et. In vitae vel, wisi at, id praesent bibendum libero faucibus porta egestas, quisque praesent ipsum fermentum tempor.


Daniel Perez, Manager at Mason Bar and Kitchen, 1 (805) 550-8765


Sallie Hoge, Owner and Manager of Planet Beach Spa, 1 (805) 703-0684

About Me

Hi! My name is Tiffany. I'm 22 years old living in California. I've recently received my Associate's degree in Communications.  I've always been eager to get out and experience the world and see it from as many different perspectives as I can, and I'm thrilled to finally embark on that journey. I want to soak up as much of this world as possible. I pride myself on being accepting of all people and all cultures. I'm always in pursuit of learning from my experiences and the people around me. I'm a believer that you get back what you put into this world and a believer in kindness. I love to sing and to act, anything related to the arts. I love to dance and paint, although I don't claim to be great at either. I love hearing peoples' stories and I'm looking forward to seeing what this venture adds to my own.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
