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Tyler Escobar

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Tyler Escobar



member since Jan 12 2024


My skills

I specialize in logistics in remote and isolated locations, and providing consistent food service to those locations. I can operate backhoes, bobcats, and I have experience sailing barges and smaller boats. I have lived in a truly remote location for over a year, and I enjoy the isolation.

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

I have previously worked for the Greater Los Angeles Area Council at their Camp Cherry Valley facility on Catalina Island as kitchen manager for the summer seasons for 2 years now. I also worked for the Western Los Angeles Area Council at their Camp Emerald Bay facility on Catalina Island as assistant kitchen manager for their spring, fall, and winter over the last year and a half. I have experience managing restaurants and large scale remote food service operations and their logistics. I provided over 42,000 meals in two months in the most remote location in California, always on time and always more than enough. I was responsible for organizing and executing a logistics plan to make that happen on a very tight budget, and I have succeeded at that task for 2 years now. Working with island logistics has also made me multipurpose and willing to do whatever work is needed to survive, and I lived alone for multiple months in the winter. I can drive tractors, backhoes, bobcats, and outboard engine boats.

About Me

I have my open water dive certification and am working on my advanced open water and divemaster certifications. I also hike regularly, being on the island let me hike the Trans Cat Trail. I hunt and shoot competitions, and I’ve had to hunt to eat before. I also study history whenever I have downtime, and I am extremely well versed on many subjects. I enjoy reading and studying military history the most, and I have a deep appreciation for history anywhere in the world.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
