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Teresa Lázaro Plaza

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Teresa Plaza



member since Feb 17 2020


My skills


I am a teacher that wants to change her way of life. I love nature, I have a big green garden at home, I have some hens, cats and a dog. I have been also working with horses. I am a hard worker and I want to work in a farm in order to learn about it. Working with animals is my priority. I don´t have any experience in this kind of industrial work, but I am phisically strong, and very motivate about it. I am also very active and I like to do my best in every thing I do.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume

- Math teacher for 25 years.

- Responsible of adults education in Administration Education.

- Teachers adivsor.

About Me

My two hobbies are mountains and my garden and my animals. I spent a lot of my free time hiking mountains, and doing mountain skiing when possible, I like long and demanding trekking mountains than I have done in my country, Spain, and in others countries of the world.

About the other one, I spent a lot of time taking care of muy garden and my vegetables. I also go to a horse center to help with horses, that I love a lot. At home we produce most of the vegetables that we eat.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
