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Natasha Bowles

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Natasha Bowles



member since Oct 9 2018


My skills

Skills: Warm and friendly, punctual, reliable, conscientious team player

I was an Au Pair in Spain from 17/09/2017 til 21/12/2017. I looked after two Spanish children five hours a day. My roles were: teaching them English, supervising them with homework, taking them to activities and entertaining and engaging with them.  Skills gained from this - confidence, childcare experience


I was a Door-to-door Fundraiser from the 25/04/2018 til 17/08/2018. I talk to people in their doorsteps about the work of the charity and try to encourage them to sign up for regular payments. Skills gained form this - Resilience, confidence and interpersonal skills

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Beginner) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume




-          Warm and friendly                         

-          Punctual and reliable


-          Conscientious team player


-          Good maths and English


Personal Statement

My greatest strength is my commitment and perseverance: this is evident throughout my interests. For example, I have been playing the piano for 9 years and I have been playing the clarinet in Fresh Aire Concert Band for over 6 years. I practice regularly, have toured abroad with my band and performed as a group, duet and solo.

I have a real sense of adventure and love saying ‘yes’ to new challenges. Whilst at school I took part in 2 French exchanges, and when I was fifteen I arranged my own accommodation in order to join the Hebden Bridge twinning trip to St Pol, France.

I took part in a four-week National Citizen Service (NCS) course summer 2016 and an Outward-Bound course summer 2017. During these I learnt how use my inner resources and resilience to support myself and others under extremely challenging and different conditions. For example, a four-day unsupported mountain expedition.  


Work Experience


17/09/2017 - 21/12/2017 Au Pair in Spain


I looked after two Spanish children five hours a day. My roles were: teaching them English, supervising them with homework, taking them to activities and entertaining and engaging with them. I was also responsible for household chores. I loved the challenge of living with a family with a different culture and language from my own. This challenging experience pushed me to develop relationships with a variety of people from different background and countries. I became confident at travelling independently around the country despite not speaking much Spanish.


25/04/2018 - 17/08/2018 Door-to-door Fundraiser at Just Fundraising


I talk to people in their doorsteps about the work of charity Scope and try to encourage them to sign up for regular payments to the charity. I work closely alongside a small team of other fundraisers help to keep moral high. I have developed my confidence in engaging members of the public in conversation. As I have often come face to face a range of people, including a few rude or angry people, I have had to maintain a calm and polite manner and I have had to show resilience when faced with these people and kept a positive attitude for the next door.




About Me

I love experiencing new cultures and in my free time abroad I would like to explore my surroundings. I enjoy running, swimming and cycling. I love reading, particularly the classics, such as Charles Dickens and Jane Austin. I like drawing and painting as I find it relieves stress and it is very absorbing. 

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
