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Natalia Kuligina


member since Feb 16 2016

My skills

I am able to help (work) in ho, cafe, travel companies (20-years experience in travel industry and vacation rental), Also I would like to try myself in agriculture , fermes etc.
I like to draw (pencil, oil, acril, watercolor ) and I am able to organise master-classes for the guests - clients. I adore opera and in general classic music. I like nature and animals very much and will take care for pets with great pleasure.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) French (Medium) Italian (Beginner) German (Beginner) Russian (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

I left job for new experience and travelling with work. I adore animals, nature, classic music, art.
Pictures, drawing - my hobby and I will be happy to make something for the hosts - for house, for interier.

Where I am available for work and when

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