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Britt Engel
member since Aug 30 2022
My skills
I'm a 26 year old Communication & Multimedia student. My skills differ from Filmmaking, Videography, Graphic Design and Marketing. I also worked in hospitality before and am traveling through Spain from October until February. I'm looking for places to sleep in exchange for work and am very excited to get to know the Spanish culture and language in the meantime.
Languages Spoken
Dutch (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)Full CV / Resume
Work experience is diverse: Nursing - Restaurant work - Creative Designer
About Me
I really love meeting new people, exploring new places and feeling free. I’m a fan of deeper conversations with people, to see where opinions can align or differ. I think making connections and experiencing things are the essence of everything really. Next to that, on a lighter note, I also really enjoy making music, writing, being active and eating loads of candy.