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Lilieth Moreno Vega
member since Jun 7 2023
My skills
I am looking forward to learn new cultures, know people and gain work experience in other countries in order to save money for collage and help my family as well!
I was a kid instructor (starting from3 years old to 10 years old) at a horse riding club, although I had no formation at the beginning, I can say I have gained experience in children care (I love children) and a little bit of horse maintainance.
Languages Spoken
English (Advanced) Catalan (Advanced) Spanish (Mother Tongue)Full CV / Resume
-Poni Club - Caslón (Horse Riding Club)
About Me
I am actually studying to be an Illustrator and Graphic Designer, so I like painting and drawing; and how it is expected, I love art as well.
I find relaxing to go for a walk and simply look at nature surrounding me and the sun touching my skin in the mornings.
I like to wake early in order to take more benefits from the day (such as more sun hours and more active/productivity hours)