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Elena Frolova

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Elena Frolova



member since Jan 30 2019


My skills

In this short phrase I am stress-resistant, friendly, interested, organized and responsible. Also I love animals and take care of them.


Languages Spoken

Russian (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

I do not have any work experience other than participating in the filming of the series. Now I study remoy and I always need access to Wi-Fi. 

I have good experience in caring for fish, rodents, dogs and cats.

So if you need an organized and responsible girl who loves animals and spends most of her time at home, I'm perfect for you.


About Me

I am engaged in acting, drawing, writing stories. I devote my free time to walks and swimming. I love all kinds of music and movies. I can't imagine my life without books. I like to read fairy tales, look at the stars and dream. This summer I learned to find some conslations. In my mind, there are always thousands of crazy ideas that often lack courage. But I struggle. 


Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
