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Stephen James

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Stephen James



member since Oct 6 2015


My skills

Stephen James graduated BA in political science and secondary education from West Chester University. Served two years on a volunteer team mentoring/tutoring in an underprivileged school in Boston through Americorps. Opportunities to practice filmmaking and editing skills while also there. Moved up to manage a team of volunteers in my third year at the same school. Moved home to join a marketing project as the Director of Catering for a new owner of five quick service restaurant franchises. Brief experience shift managing for local restaurant and pub.

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) French (Beginner) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

Hi, my name is Stephen James, I'm 26 years old, and was born and raised outside the city of Philadelphia in a town called Media, PA. Through family trips, summer vacations, service opportunities or travels with friends I have had the opportunity to visit, sleep, or eat in every state along the Atlantic coast at some point in my life, spend some incredible time on the west coast, states in the south, and along the appalachia in my stateside travels but I have yet to possess the experience of stepping out onto foreign lands and truly immersing myself in what's different than all I've ever known and seeing how that changes who I am for the better.
I have been deeply involved in efforts to personally volunteer and give myself unto others for the past 5 years through college service organizations and 2 years of service in Americorps in Boston.

Where I am available for work and when

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