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Saksham - Student and sports player

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Saksham Bansal



member since Apr 21 2016


My skills

I'm currently a third year medical student at the University of Birmingham, England. As well as academia, I enjoy playing racket sports to a high level and have a qualification in coaching badminton. I am also an avid walker and like to seek adventure at every opportunity. I fluently speak both English and Hindi; understand Punjabi and Urdu; and have some grasp of Welsh and French.

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Hindi (Mother Tongue) Punjabi (Advanced) French (Medium) Welsh (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

I'm a generally happy and funny person who is outgoing and I like to get to know everyone around me. My hobbies include academics, reading, drawing, adventure seeking, biking, climbing, tennis, badminton, and watching tv (to list a few). On the music front, I'm very easy going and can happily listen to (almost) anything.

Where I am available for work and when

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