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Ryan Prestipino



member since Jan 29 2019


My skills

Having grown up on a farm I do not shy away from hard work and laborious tasks. I have been given extensive agricultural knowledge and know the importance of maintaining a good workplace. Farm life has treated me well, but I know the world is bigger than one paddock, and for that I am excited to set out and discover what else there is to this incredible planet πŸ™‚

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Norwegian (Medium) German (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Agricultural Work

  • Farm labourer

  • Fruit grower / harvester

  • Cattle ajister

Hospitality Work

  • Barista - 5 years experience in Brisbane CBD

Creative Work ()

  • Screenwriter

  • Director

Entrepreneurial Work

  • CEO/Founder - The Pines Studios ()

  • Executive - Isentia (Media Monitoring Agency)

  • University Graduate

About Me

Although I have many skills, my ultimate passion in life is writing and storyling. I have a dream of one day becoming a screenwriter. Until then I want to travel the world and experience its stories, along with the stories in which I share this Earth with. My travelling experience is minimal, having come from a poorer background. But this mean I am accustomed to hard work, and enjoy its rewards. I am very reflective, a deep thinker, I enjoy philosophy and the ideas that come from it. I crave the excitement that comes with new experiences, and I truly believe that to live life to its fullest, is to live in the thrill of the deep end.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
