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Valery Grachova
member since Dec 17 2015
My skills
A lot of behind-the-camera experience. Photography, Shooting and Editing are the skills I am compley qualified in.
The languages I know are: English, Russian and Ukranian. I can freely translate to any of those.
But there's a lot of skills I would love to learn if "learning" will be fine to include in the given job.
That's all art and entertainment skills (music, dance, literature)
Also organization skills. I do have these skills, but more practice is required.
Sport and other physical activity would be good.
I would love to hear other offers as well. I am open to interesting experience.
Languages Spoken
Ukrainian (Mother Tongue) Russian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)Full CV / Resume
There's a lot to mention, so it would be better to question me personally about any skills required.
About Me
I am a beginner filmmaker. I dream to be a director and make my own big movies someday.
Pretty open-minded, mostly calm. Very curious, love cheerful and interesting people.
I would love to travel, gain new experience, meet new people, but don't usually have enough resources for that, so this site is a lifesaver to my dreams.