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member since Sep 13 2014

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WE AT V W F, HELPING THE POOR AND NEEDy people IN AND AROUND Maharashtra, MORE then a decade, serving the old and deprived people in need of accomodation and basic living things, such as food and clothing,passionate about bringing back joy in the lives of abused women and under-served children. At VWF, is a non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, non-political, well-diversified social service organization founded in 2009 and dedicated to serve the most neglected and exploited section of our society, victims of commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking (VCSET) and children in distress. VWF is listed with reputable organizations including Give India, GuideStar India, GlobalGiving, , VWF work has had tremendous impact by improving the lives of thousands of suffering women & unfortunate children affected by the direct or indirect consequences of human trafficking including victims of sexploitation, slavery, HIV/AIDS, rape, addictions, child labor, unwanted pregnancies etc. In addition to numerous awards, citations, trophies, one of the the most prominent one is the award presented to BHARAT PURASHKAR by the HR IN DELHI of India in November,2012; for extraordinary work in this difficult field.
VWF operates its medical & counseling facilities, legal aid, vocational training facilities, living accommodation etc in a homely environment for women - including rape victims, unwed mothers, HIV+/AIDS afflicted families etc. The victims are provided totally free-of-cost food, clothing, shelter, medications, counseling, legal aid etc. VWF depends solely on the contributions of discerning donors/sponsors for the implementation of its programs. There are several ways for you to help such women & children to bring back joy in their tormented lives. Experience the joy of living & giving with care, consideration & compassion.

We believe in “Atithi Devo Bhava”.

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