Radio Horseman
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Kent Greenough
member since Apr 3 2019
My skills
I owned a 72 acre horse farm in TN and all that goes with that. Building fences, barns, trails and roads, all forms of electrical and plumbing, including septic, to running tractors, backhoes, bulldozers and large trucks and trailers. I also have blacksmith skills, horse shoeing, trimming and veterinary skills. Planted and maintained pastures including haying and storing.
Languages Spoken
English (Mother Tongue) German (Medium) Finnish (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
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About Me
I'm in Croatia until July and traveling with my two Cocker Spaniels, Pepper and Bailey. We sailed the North Sea, Med and Baltic seas, so they know how to behave, are quiet and easy going. I enjoy hiking, sailing, camping, and horseback riding. I have outstanding horsemanship skills and can solve most any problem you might have , from starting young horses, to advanced training in jumping,dressage or driving, western, English, even polo! I enjoy reading and cooking too and play at guitar if there is one around. Non-smoker, in good physical shape.