• Group logo of Writing & Journalism 1769

    Writing & Journalism

  • Group logo of Photography 2637


  • Group logo of Video Editing 876

    Video editing is the manipulation and arrangement of video shots. Video editing is used to structure and present all video information, including films and television shows, video advertisements and video essays.

  • Group logo of Video Camera Operator 730

    You have experience operating various types of video cameras.

  • Group logo of Football Instructor 311

    Football coach/instructor

  • Group logo of Web Designer 597

    Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; user interface design; authoring, including […]

  • Group logo of Tour Group Guide 866

    You have experience or certification in tour guiding in its most common form – leading groups.

  • Group logo of Swimming Instructor 352

    Swimming instructor

  • Group logo of Personal Blogging 372

    Someone who is writing a blog about their travels, at the same time making money ( or attempting to) from the content they are producing.

  • Group logo of Journalist 292

    Your write stories for the publication you are working for.

  • Group logo of SEO Expert 144

    An SEO expert (also known as an “SEO specialist”) is someone that optimizes websites in order to achieve higher search engine rankings. Put another way: An SEO expert is someone that knows how to get more tra […]