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Patrick Ziegler



member since Jul 10 2018


My skills

End thirties, 10 years of working in international science and innovation management in public service but interested in plenty of other stuff, too. Used to work in contruction, sports, teaching, event management, freelance consultant, business coach and plenty of other fields. Also into physical labor after years behind the desk.

Languages Spoken

German (Mother Tongue) English (Mother Tongue) Japanese (Medium) French (Medium) Spanish (Beginner) Thai (Beginner) Sign Language

Full CV / Resume

BA in Japanese Studies / Political Science / Economics

MA in East Asian Politics

PR Trainee for one year

Scientific Officer for international science cooperation at the German Aerospace Center for six years

Freelance Consultant in Southeast Asia for a year

Transfer Manager and Business Coach / Teacher at a university in Germany for two years

Months of working in construction (dry walling, doors, windows etc.), sports trainer (Badminton, gym) for decades, events (concerts, music, technical stuff) for ages

About Me

I'm growing old but still feeling too young to settle down. Looking for new experiences, meet new people and share stories. Into music, sports, education, doing something good and valuable.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
