Someone who works on the reception of a hotel and can deal with guests – booking them in and dealing with their enquires.
All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.
What is Tourism Management? It involves the management of multitude of activities such as studying tour destination, planning the tour, making travel arrangements and providing accommodation. It also involves […]
These are painting and decorating skills applied primarily to structures. See ”Creative” section for artistic/fine art painting skills.
Video editing is the manipulation and arrangement of video shots. Video editing is used to structure and present all video information, including films and television shows, video advertisements and video essays.
Providing a service experience for a costumer or client. Well organized, communicates clearly, postive, open and approachable.
Hostel Receptionist. Checking in guests and showing them where their dorm is. Helping with enquires and general helps with guests. Plus of course being their personal psychotherapist, their mother, Google maps and […]
A driver employed by an individual or family for transporting them to and from the home.
I am used to farming life, and the daily choices of cleaning and feeding livestock to doing whatever is needed around the farm depending on the season.
Metalworking skills such as blacksmithing, welding, fabrication work etc. See sub skills for more types of metal worker.
Have you created and hostel party nights in hostels before? Then you’re well-qualified for this skill.
Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product, service, or good. It is one of the primary components of business management and commerce. Marketers can direct […]
Carpentry is a skilled trade and a craft in which the primary work performed is the cutting, shaping and installation of building materials during the construction of buildings, ships, timber bridges, concrete formwork, etc.
Have you set up a web site with My Allocator before? Do you know how to plug in all the OTA’s into a hostels booking engine? Are you fluent in Word Press and can set up a hostel booking system from nothing to live […]
Only add this skill if you really know how to market a hostel. You need to be a wizz at social media, SEO and how to make flyers really work. But the most important thing is you need to know how to market a […]
You have experience or certification in tour guiding in its most common form – leading groups.
If you don’t have experience, you are at least willing to do whatever you are told to do in the kitchen. Perhaps you’re not trained but you want to learn. So do as the chef tells you. Keep your eyes and ears open […]