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Michael Odhiambo



member since Aug 15 2023


My skills

I am a 36 year old male and more experienced in farm work. I am a small scale farmer in my home country, Kenya and been farming for over 8 years. Some of the areas I am skilled in are: examining produce for quality and prepare the produce for market; setting and to monitor water lines, air flow and temperature in barns, pens and chicken coops; maintaining or assisting in the maintenance of farm equipments and the facility and ensuring the environment is clean and farm animals are looked after.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Swahili (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

Self-employed small scale farmer.

Engaged in crop farming and cattle rearing in Kenya.

About Me

Travelling, swimming, reading, music, meeting new people and experiencing new culture, walks and bike riding.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
