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Oskar Hempel



member since Jul 8 2018


My skills

I used to work in many different  environments where I learned to cooperate with distinct poeple . Form being a driver on festivals to serve coffee at numerous events. Due to studies, I never had enougth time for full time job but always tried to fullfill all spare time with work. Recently graduated geographic studies gaining bachelor degree at University of Łódź. Currently making a gap year while I want to work abroad.


Languages Spoken

Polish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume



Intern in programistic company ,,MarketLab’’- responsible for with client and optimization vending machines.

07-08/2016 and 2017

VIP driver during „Transatlantyk” festival - In terms of duties: converstaion in english with participants of festival

07-08/2014 and 2015

International trade organizator in „Lady Cotton” – Sell, supply, supervison of the stand.


Organizator and barista in „ArtCaffee” – supervision and service of catering stands during numerous events.



2015 – 2018

Bachelor degree at University of Łódź : Geomonitoring subjects in scope of: Geography technics , Tourism, English associated with the field of studies


First step of Musician school in Łódź



Polish – mother language

English – communicative, completing the course at the language school "Live" at level C1


Additional skills & activities

Driving and sailing licence


Massage course



Reportage literature ściński

Lake sailing

Scuba diving & swimming

Countries of northern Europe


About Me

In my free time I usually go on climbing walls or do some outdoor activities. If I have more spare time I always use it for travels. At home prefer to read books and spend hours in search for good movie.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
