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Nina Ling

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Nina Ling Xiao



member since May 20 2016


My skills

Lecture for beginner, Teenagers,Business,Test,HSK
2. Chinese cooking
3. Flute play - Hulusi, Yunnan style
4. Pottery maker ( I love it)
For more information you can find my teacher profile link at
I am going Europe for 90 days traveling, hope to help you improve your mandarin skills and more in culture.
I love cooking, like dumplings, I can teach you how to make it. I love to play flute (HuLuSi, Chinese traditional ), I love pottery, if you need helper on pottery I will be glad to join.
You can make my trip in the best experience, I trust you!

Languages Spoken

Chinese (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Korean (Beginner) French (Beginner) German (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

I am a working processional in Singapore with Germany company(Sartorius) ,Part time teach Chinese as a certified mandarin lecture.
I would like to enjoy travel by staying with family where I can experience the life in Europe and of course by changing I will try the best to fit your request. I am a relaxing person with warm heart and smile at the most of time. A farmland experience, vineyard experience, a warm family welcoming experience, potters workshop, mandarin teaching in a family. All will light my trip, You can make my trip in the best experience, I trust you!
Thank you for viewing my profile:)

About Me

I am a relaxing person with warm heart and smile at the most of time. List of the things that i love
-Mandarin teaching
- Chinese cooking
- Flute play - Hulusi, Yunnan style
- Pottery maker
- Travel, I love to experience difference culture in different country.
I have traveled a few countries, as you know Singapore is very near to Thailand and Malaysia so I get a brown color as you can see from the picture. Germany twice and Dubai and Korea. I love Europe the most just as the way you love Asia.
Let's exchange our experience.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
