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Venetha Machock



member since Oct 6 2022


My skills

  • I have taught kindergarten (and pre-k-3rd grade) for about 30 years and LOVE it! I especially enjoy teaching creative activities and project work, but have fun with literacy, math, and geography as well. It’s all hands on with games and art, and authentic to show relevance to their lives.
    I am very interested in wildlife conservation. I’ve taken an online course from Wildlife ACT, and have done volunteer work for them in South Africa as well as volunteering in Zambia at GRI’s elephant orphanage.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

I love reading, exploring new places and volunteer travel, hiking, white water rafting and photography.  I love animals and especially enjoy seeing them in their natural habitats.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
