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Nataliya Smirnykh



member since Nov 14 2015


My skills

I'm a young professional from Russia, and I have a lot of skills, actually, because apart of my work and my education I've participated in huge amount of activities with different roles in them )) I was working a lot as a project manager, I've orgaized many different projects, including the international ones. I was leading 2 non-profit organizations in different times, during those time I've done a lot of work except of the main coordination, like fundrising, working with human resources and PR.
I speak english and basic spanish. I can be an English teacher, also I can provide some computer lessons, as I have IT background (I've graduated Computer Science Department, and was working in this field), I can do some computer graphics, mostly through the photoshop, also some simple -sites, and administration of the sites, if it's needed. I have a big volunteer experience, including working with kids. I've participated in many volunteer projects with different topics, from education to some renovation projects. I also was working in the project with kids for more, that 1 year. Also I have an experience in training. I'm certified trainer and I've been conducting trainings for more, than 6 years, mostly for the students and professionals on different topics, such as: project management, presentation skills, leadership, business planning, logical framework approach, cross-cultural communication, In addition I have an experience of working in international field for more than 8 years. I can be very useful in many things 😉 And I'm very enthusiastic and hard worker 🙂

Languages Spoken

Russian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume


Name: Nataliya Smirnykh
: 196105, Reshetnikova, 19-4, St Petersburg, Russia
e: +7 962 904 05 50
Nationality: Russian
Date of birth:

• Dates (from – to) – present
• Name of employer: SP “Zamyshlyaev”
• Type of business or sector: Educational sector
• Occupation or position held: Project Manager
• Main activities and responsibilities: Project coordination, preparation and implementation

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: “SERCONS” Ltd
• Type of business or sector: Certification Authority
• Occupation or position held: Project Manager
• Main activities and responsibilities: Work with customers, project management

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: “Enforta” Ltd
• Type of business or sector: ecommunication company
• Occupation or position held: Lead Manager
• Main activities and responsibilities: Working with VIP and network clients

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: “Labitec” Ltd
• Type of business or sector: CRM, Consulting services
• Occupation or position held: Manager
• Main activities and responsibilities: Working with clients

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: JSC “Wipline”
• Type of business or sector: Provider company, wireless internet
• Occupation or position held: Technical specialist
• Main activities and responsibilities: Technical support, monitoring of the system, support of users


• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: Education and Consulting Center “USPEH”
• Type of business or sector: Education Center
• Occupation or position held: Trainer, Coordinator
• Main activities and responsibilities: Conducting trainings, event coordination

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: Project Management Academy
• Type of business or sector: Training Institute
• Occupation or position held: Trainer
• Main activities and responsibilities: Conducting trainings, drawing up the program, coordination of other trainers

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: JCI St Petersburg
• Type of business or sector: Junior Chamber International
• Occupation or position held: Immediate Past President
• Main activities and responsibilities: Mentoring, coaching, support the projects, trainings

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: JCI St Petersburg
• Type of business or sector: Junior Chamber International
• Occupation or position held: Local President
• Main activities and responsibilities: Organization of work of the Chamber, Coordination of Projects and Activities, External relations and cooperation with other NGOs and organizations

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: Mir Tesen
• Type of business or sector: Non-profit Volunteer organization
• Occupation or position held: Volunteer
• Main activities and responsibilities: Conducting the trainings for volunteers, organizer in the UNESCO project (July 2012), Project Coordinator

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: AEGEE-Voronezh
• Type of business or sector: European Student Organization
• Occupation or position held: President
• Main activities and responsibilities: Coordinating the work of the Organization, External relations, Work with the Partners and other NGOs, Coordination and organization of Projects

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: AEGEE-Voronezh
• Type of business or sector: European Student Organization
• Occupation or position held: IT-Responsible, Project Manager
• Main activities and responsibilities: Work with the site (design, development), administration of the groups Vkontakte, , administration of the post services. Main Coordinator in the Project “Street Art”, organizer in the projects “Here does Asia Start”, “TSU Feel the instinct. Back to nature”, “Ghost of the past”

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: Passage-Zebra
• Type of business or sector: International Youth Co-operation Center
• Occupation or position held: Volunteer
• Main activities and responsibilities: Work with the project “The gardens of Little Prince” ( – ), participation and organization trainings for volunteers

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: World4U, center “Initiative”
• Type of business or sector: Russian Volunteer Association
• Occupation or position held: Camp-leader
• Main activities and responsibilities: Organization of the work of volunteers, work according the project (Theme – art and culture, work with youth)

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: SCI Hellas, Organization “Happy Children-Happy Youth”
• Type of business or sector: Non-profit Volunteers’ organization
• Occupation or position held: Volunteer
• Main activities and responsibilities: Work according the project (Theme - kids)

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of employer: INEX-SDA
• Type of business or sector: Association for Voluntary Service
• Occupation or position held: Volunteer
• Main activities and responsibilities: Work according the project (Theme - reno)


• Dates (from – to) 2004 - 2009
• Name of organization: Voronezh State University
• Principal subjects covered: Computer Science Department, Engineer

• Dates (from – to) 2005 - 2008
• Name of organization: Voronezh State University
• Principal subjects covered: Romance and Germanic Philology Department, Translator

• Dates (from – to) 2005 - 2007
• Name of organization: Foreign Language School “Interlingua”
• Principal subjects covered: Curso basico de lengua espaňola

• Dates (from – to) –
• Name of organization: International Youth Co-operation Center “Passage-Zebra”
• Principal subjects covered: Camp-leader training

• Dates (from – to)
• Name of organization: Junior Chamber International
• Principal subjects covered: Training course “Administration of NGO”

• Dates (from – to)
• Name of organization: Junior Chamber International
• Principal subjects covered: Training course “Presentation skills”

• Dates (from – to)
• Name of organization: Junior Chamber International
• Principal subjects covered: Training course “How to conduct trainings”



• Reading skills Proficient
• Writing skills Proficient
• Verbal skills Proficient

• Reading skills Good
• Writing skills Good
• Verbal skills Good

SOCIAL SKILLS I’m open-minded, cheerful, and benevolent person. I always try to help, if I can, and it’s important for me not to be apathetic to others. I can easily with
People, I like them )) and I’m tolerant to any nation, gender or age. I’m inquisitive, I like to discover new things, learn, get new experience, and I’m always self-developing.

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS I have the experience in organizing projects. I organized many projects – local, international, small and big ones, on different topics in various formats. I always have many creative ideas, and I like to realize them. The projects, which I organized, mostly aimed on education, developing intercultural relations, cooperation and self- development. I have also experience in the leading of NGO. I was the head of 2 Non-profit organizations in a different time. During this period I was coordinating the activities of Organization, organizing the work of Board directors, communicating with the partners and members of Organization. I have reached good results of my work as a President NGO – we increased the of members of organization, got new partners and relationships, received the support of the City. We developed our projects and created the new ones. One of the Project, which I realized by myself – initiated, launched the process, and was the main coordinator in it – it is a Project Management Academy. This Project lives till now and last year was very successful and received many positive feedbacks from the participants of the Project.

TECHNICAL SKILLS As I’ve graduated Computer Science Department, I can work with computer on the professional level. I was working as system administrator and have experience of working with nets. I also have an experience of making sites, can work with the different Graphics software, have some experience in design, and page-proofs.

ARTISTIC SKILLS I was playing in School Theater, taking part in the different concerts in University. Also I have finished musical school in piano, and like to sing 🙂

OTHER SKILLS Constantly appears, as I like to learn new things 🙂


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I don’t smoke, and don’t have bad habits )) I'm sure you won't regret if you’ll take me in your team!

About Me

I’m open-minded, cheerful, and benevolent person. I always try to help, if I can, and it’s important for me not to be apathetic to others. I can easily with people, I like them )) and I’m tolerant to any nation, gender, age, religion and whatever. I’m inquisitive, I like to discover new things, learn, get new experience, and I’m always self-developing. I have a huge experience in many fields and I'm always greeding to have more ))) I like to learn and growing up, this the only way of your development. I love travelling, getting to know new places, new people, new culture. I like music, good books and good movies, and I like enjoying life in general ))

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
