• Group logo of Hotel Back of House 1011

    All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.

  • Group logo of Cruise Ships 651

    Jobs that are part of the cruise ship industry.

  • Group logo of Sous Chef 89

    The executive chef’s assistant, and next in charge, is a sous chef. It is the job of the sous chef to pick up the slack when the executive chef has a day off or is on vacation. They may need to fill in on the l […]

  • Group logo of Sauté Chef 47

    This person is in charge of anything cooked in a sauté pan. Usually it is the best cook on staff, behind the executive chef and sous chef.

  • Group logo of Grill Cook 129

    This person takes care of all of the items on the char-grill or flattop grill, such as meats, chicken and fish.

  • Group logo of Fry Cook 114

    This entry level position into the kitchen is in charge of anything that needs to be deep fried. French fries, chicken fingers, onion rings, all fall to this individual.

  • Group logo of Salad Chef 115

    If a restaurant goes through a lot of salads, or other cold menu items, they may keep a salad chef on hand.

  • Group logo of Expeditor 122

    This is a non-cooking role on the kitchen line. An expediter is the person in charge of organising orders by table, and garnishing the dishes before the server takes them out to the dining room. An expeditor is […]