If you have a skill that can be used by a tourist offering for their guests – add it here.
All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.
All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.
Yes, your new and yes you start at the bottom. Willing to keen toilets in return for a bed and want to be a part of a fun team whilst learning the hostel business? If so add this as a skill and it may well take […]
Hostel Receptionist. Checking in guests and showing them where their dorm is. Helping with enquires and general helps with guests. Plus of course being their personal psychotherapist, their mother, Google maps and […]
Have you created and hostel party nights in hostels before? Then you’re well-qualified for this skill.
You have experience or certification in tour guiding in its most common form – leading groups.
Maybe we should put this in the ” It’s a tuff job but someone has to do it” section. This job normally involves setting up the entertainment for guests every night. So planning where to take them, who is doing […]
This person takes care of all of the items on the char-grill or flattop grill, such as meats, chicken and fish.
Have your designed a hostel layout before? Have you worked in many hostels around the world and know exactly what works and what does not? Do you know how big a boiler you need for 40 beds? How big the food area […]
If your willing to work nights and have hostel reception experience or looking for a way into the hostel business then this is a good skill to add to your profile.
You are starting at the bottom, but you want to get into cooking, so…. this is your way in. You wash the dishes.
Festival Directors/Site Productors manage the behind-the-scenes logistics of the festival by working with vendors, city officials and on-site staff.
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 groups
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 groups