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Vladimir Komarov



member since Nov 17 2015


My skills

I'm 59 ex-engeneer. Worked at aviation factory. Since became a pensioner travel a lot. Including hitchhike. I'm licensed barboat skipper & VHF radio operator.

Languages Spoken

Russian (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Japanese (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

I'm rather experiensed in a wide range of human life. I can built a house & repair mechanism, check up electrisity ih a house & repair it, ride a car & sail, I can work with axe & saw. Well, it's more easy ask me what job you need. Be sure I'll answer sincerely.

About Me

I'm an optimist. I patient and tolerant. Once we sailed at 8 m. boat with a crew of: Slovenian, Iranian. Swedish, Russian & Italian girl. In my trips I often stay in hoss or use Couchserfing

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
