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Nik Ruzanov

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Nikita Ruzanov



member since Nov 26 2015


My skills

My name is Nikita and I am from Siberia (Russia).
I am 27 years old and I have been doing visual art.
I do not have a very strong English language (sorry), but I'm working on it.

7 years ago, I graduated from the university, but it turned out that my specialty is not in demand in Russia.
I had to build spaceships.
But now I'm a photographer and videographer (if there is such a word).

Now I'm a freelancer and shoot a small video in his snow-covered town.

I have a beard and a Siberian character 🙂

This is an example of my work:

Languages Spoken

Russian (Advanced) English (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

Ruzanov Nikita

Male, 27 years old, was born on February 8, 1988

+7 (962) 051-51-50 - the desired communication method


Residence: Omsk

Citizenship: Russia,

Ready to move, ready to travel

Desired position and salary
Manager Advertising & PR

Schedule: full-time, shift schedule flexible, distant work

The desired travel time to work: does not matter

Creative gang "BEAR"

June 2014 - present 1 year 6 months


It is difficult briefly outline my responsibilities and functional. I (in the team) has been developing and thinking through virtually everything from the packaging of butter and ending with the concept of an advertising campaign for the major players in the Omsk market.
This work can not do without inligence. First of all worked out and filled with filtered briefs customers, market conditions, competition and a lot of factors. It is also not without planning and goal setting. For each current project I develop and (later) corrective action plan its development. But all this is the tip of the iceberg or preparatory moments.
The main activity, of course, is to generate ideas using a variety of creative techniques (imaging, brainstorming, mind maping etc.) taking into all these factors, as well as copywriting in its various manifestations.

I can say that in a relatively short period of work in the agency, my projects became the winners of the festival of social advertising "TIME" (2014) and the Festival of Advertising "Advertising feature 2014" (Ivanovo).

Siberian Media Group (radio Europe Plus, Record, lighthouse, radio, Sport FM, Retro FM, Road)

March 2014 - December 2014 10 months

PR - manager

Work in the area of communication:
- Interaction with the media;
(press conferences, writing press releases, support relations with the editors and journalists of leading media)
- The decision of other issues affecting the public relations and affect the image of the company;
(communication with the happy / unhappy listeners, conflict resolution)
- Organization and holding fashion events, including charity;
(charitable film screenings, collecting diapers for children's homes, Film Society)
- The organization of effective internal communication;
(meetings, conventions and corporate training, documentation development to improve the performance of departments (briefs, the. assignment))
- Development of PR-campaigns, as well as plans for their implementation;
- Definition of the budget PR-campaigns;
- Analysis of the effectiveness of the measures.

My main achievement - an organization of competent interaction of PR communications, designers and program director of the radio station. Which was achieved through the development of appropriate documentation and training. This greatly simplified the process of work, and at times to increase its efficiency. Projects were developed and put into practice much easier and faster. Really! I even surprised myself.

Inventive Retail Group

September 2013 - February 2014 6 months

Consultant Cashier

Compliance with the standards of customer service, direct sales of Apple technology and components, fulfillment of plans and objectives, self-study, working with the CSA, working with 1C.

Not sure that such work may be to achieve, which is to write. I became the head of the corporation Inventive Retail Group, but just a little bit each month ahead of the schedule. Probably, this is the achievement. Although, I also learned to understand the technology Apple and even received a medal for completing their training firm.


October 2012 - July 2013 10 months

representative of the interests of the company (sales representative)

- Protection of the interests of the company to their territory;
(work in Omsk with the directors and heads of departments of large chain stores (Tape, Auchan, El Dorado, Technosila, OK))
- Solving local problems in the point of sale;
(Monitoring of compliance with the share of goods in the shops shelves, challenging the controversial decisions affecting the sale)
- Monitoring the availability of goods in the shops;
(Working with Warehouse Parish / residues / marriage)
- Monitoring the calculations;
(Drawing planograms calculations)
- Preparation of weekly reports;
(Photo + Excel)
- Positioning of advertising materials;
- Training.
(Training for sellers to explain the benefits and advantages of our products, as well as, the importance of respecting the correct calculations)

It was a good job in terms of communication with the staff. Though I have not been subordinate, but I had to "train" the sellers stores, ling them how important the location of goods on the shelf, in that order, as well as what benefits are fraught our tilt-swivel bracket. Of course, my rants were not in vain, and sales of our products went up the hill. Perhaps this can be attributed to the issue of achievements.

Askott Deco Rus, ZAO

April 2010 - October 2012 2 years 7 months


Increasing the share of goods shelves, display of goods in accordance with the corporate merchandising, maintenance of trading stocks, preparation orders, solving local problems at the point of sale, work with buyers.

Absoluy ordinary job Merchandiser. I spent hours lost in the warehouses of large chain stores, raking the mountain of building materials and filling a huge stack of papers at their admission, sending marriage, etc. Quite often playing the role of a consultant, I was singing the praises of wallpaper glue and sealants for the visitors OBI, Leroy Merlin, Castorama and Bow Center, hitting them with his persuasive words. There is already really hard to talk about because of this work, I only remember those moments when my back permeates unbearable pain.

Publishing Group "DiMarco"

June 2009 - March 2010 10 months

Sales Manager

Consulting clients (negotiations at the level of the first persons), presentation of goods and services contracts, the full transaction support, execution of the current documentation.

In truth! It was my first important work, which gave invaluable experience of communication with representatives of the higher caste, which is what the holders of various Omsk business. Spending on e calls per month budget of a small African state, I was selling, negotiate and convince people that advertising in print media is by no means the last century. This period of life I remember a string of endless meetings, talks and the signing of contracts. I gained invaluable experience in all the world with strong and realized that sometimes seem grandiose and impractical plans - this is just another illusion, born of my mind fill.

Ltd. "Castorama Rus"

March 2008 - June 2009 1 year 4 months

Consultant trading department "Construction Materials"

Consultation buyers compilation of client orders, display of goods, work with current documentation, stock management, work on the loading technique, compliance with the Labour Code.

Well, firstly, thank you! If you stick to this period of my life, it is obvious that what interested you in my resume. But I'm afraid to disappoint you, it was my first entry in the workbook, the futility of the last time, I had not realized.

Specialized secondary
Omsk State Technical University, Omsk

Mechanical Engineering Institute, rocket

Omsk Aviation Engineering College. NOT. Zhukovsky

air and missile, technician aerospace

Advanced training courses
Apple Sales Treining

Apple, consultant for Apple products

Festival soc. advertising "PORA"

Festival soc. advertising "PORA", advertising / PR / Marketing

Conference: "The battle for the loyalty"

Business Omsk, PR, marketing, SMM

Seminar prof. training of group leaders

The Institute Of Informal Education (Israel), a leading educational group

2nd Annual Conference "Trend"

Vi Trend (Moscow), Advertising / PR / Marketing

Festival soc. advertising "PORA"

Festival soc. advertising "PORA", advertising / PR / Marketing

Festival soc. advertising "PORA"

Festival soc. advertising "PORA", advertising / PR / Marketing

Festival soc. advertising "PORA"

Festival soc. advertising "PORA", advertising / PR / Marketing

Technology sales

Moscow center of business technology, direct sales, customer service.

key skills
Russian - native
English - basic knowledge
1C: Trade; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; MS Excel; MS PowerPoint; MS Word; Photography; Negotiation; Communication skills; Creativity; Sales skills; Training; Training; Organization of meetings; Direct sales; Cold sale

Additional Information
Nadezhda Pavlovna the Yankelevich (program director of radio "Mayak"). +7 913 611 93 53

About me
- Since 2011, cooperated with the ICC - Novosibirsk.
I have experience in the field of pedagogy and organization groups (non-formal education)

1. Planning, organizing and conducting educational and training activities

2. Conducting group sessions aimed at:
- Consolidation
- Familiarity group
- Identity

3. Support education groups in other countries as a group leader (~ 40chelovek)

4. conducting group techniques
- Open Space
- etc.

Since 2009, professionally engaged in photography (including advertising)
Is ready to consider cooperation with the print and online editions.

Computer skills:
Microsoft Office,
Power Point,
Adobe Photoshop,
Adobe ilustrator,
Adobe Premiere Pro
- easy to train

About Me

- I'm pretty cheerful person 🙂
- I possess the Siberian character and am silent
- I can live in spartan conditions
- Doing tai chi and swimming
- listen Led Zeppelin, The Black Keys
- learn English

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
