• Group logo of Home Support 7784

    Caring and support in the home setting.

  • Group logo of It’s a tough job but someone has to do it 4212

    It’s a tough job but someone has to do it. So if you are willing to do it. Add this skill and we suggest make sure you get paid to do this one!

  • Group logo of Harvesting 2967

    Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, […]

  • Group logo of Hostel Worker 3408

    All skills specific to working in Hostels. Receptionists, Marketing, My-allocator – its all here. Skills that hostels needs like plumbers, web designers etc. you will find in their own skill set sections and not here.

  • Group logo of Serving / Waitering 1698

    Waiting tables in a bar / club / restaurant

  • Group logo of Activities / Guest Entertaining 710

    If you have a skill that can be used by a tourist offering for their guests – add it here.

  • Group logo of House Cleaner 1981

    Cleaners usually either work for a cleaning company and work with a team of cleaners. Or they work for themselves and personally visit each client.

  • Group logo of Hotel Back of House 1010

    All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.

  • Group logo of Dishwasher 540

    You are starting at the bottom, but you want to get into cooking, so…. this is your way in. You wash the dishes.

  • Group logo of Commis Waiter/Busser 412

    A commis waiter or waiter’s assistant. Known in North America as a busser, busboy or busgirl, they’re the person who works in the restaurant and catering industry clearing tables, taking dirty dishes to the […]

  • Group logo of Hosts and Hostesses - Cruise Ships 78

    As the Host or Hostess, you will provide personalized customer service, language assistance and translation to our valued guests, enhancing their understanding and enjoyment of their exciting Celebrity experience.

  • Group logo of Gentleman Host - Cruise Ships 10

    Gentleman hosts are men that have been recruited to be dance and social partners for the woman passengers on board. Gentleman hosts help even out the ration of women to men in senior demographics. It helps to […]