All skills specific to working in Hostels. Receptionists, Marketing, My-allocator – its all here. Skills that hostels needs like plumbers, web designers etc. you will find in their own skill set sections and not here.
If you have a skill that can be used by a tourist offering for their guests – add it here.
All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.
All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.
What is Tourism Management? It involves the management of multitude of activities such as studying tour destination, planning the tour, making travel arrangements and providing accommodation. It also involves […]
All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.
Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, […]
Hostel Receptionist. Checking in guests and showing them where their dorm is. Helping with enquires and general helps with guests. Plus of course being their personal psychotherapist, their mother, Google maps and […]
You have experience or certification in tour guiding in its most common form – leading groups.
Maybe we should put this in the ” It’s a tuff job but someone has to do it” section. This job normally involves setting up the entertainment for guests every night. So planning where to take them, who is doing […]
Your willing to change the sheets and make the beds, not clean the toilets. It’s one step up from being a cleaner but also one step up to being a hostel owner 🙂
If your willing to work nights and have hostel reception experience or looking for a way into the hostel business then this is a good skill to add to your profile.
You have skills and accreditations in the field of psychotherapy – either as a psychologist or psychiatrist
Viewing 1 - 18 of 18 groups
Viewing 1 - 18 of 18 groups