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Manja Šernek



member since Apr 12 2019


My skills

My name is Manja Šernek, and I am a student at Vocational college for hospitality and wellness Maribor. I already finished Secondary school for Catering and Tourism, Radenci, Slovenia, where I learned how to work in hos, hoss, travel agencies, restaurants etc. I had my practice in travel agency Klas, Murska Sobota, Slovenia in 2015, where I mostly did administrative work such as signing papers and general work in the back office. In 2016 I worked in ho Lipa, Lendava on the reception, where I learned the skill of comunication, I had to learn foreign languages and talk to guests, I picked up and worked at check-in and check-out. In 2018 I worked in physiotheraphy in the same ho, as a program of my Wellness practice. I had to organize a big group of people, I had to speak in foreign languages (German, English), I also worked as a masseus, gym trainer, personal trainer, waitress, organizer of events, and had to speak in public many times.

I just came from Romania, where  I was at youth exhange in Cerasu, Romania in April 2019. I fell in love with the country, with people, with their culture and want to help them with my knowledge.

I'm searching a challenge especially in tourism, as this is my field and I know a lot about it too.

I do believe I'm a quick learner and a serious candidate, so I would be a perfect candidate for working in tourism.

Languages Spoken

Slovenian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Croatian (Medium) German (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

You can check my Euro-pass.

About Me

I'm a very outgoing person with many friends, in my spare time I volunteer at an animal police and our local youth centre, I also volunteered with elder people. I'm very positive, love to motivate people, self-confident, I also love to participate in Ted talks, I love reading books about psyhology and how the human mind works, am into feng-shui, and obsessed with olives.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
