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Sofija Antic



member since Oct 25 2016


My skills

I know many things but I always want to learn and do more! I give 100% of myself to whatever I am doing (toilet cleaning or nuclear physics :P) and the best thing I can take home from our time together is mastering a new skill 🙂

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Croatian (Mother Tongue) German (Medium) Italian (Beginner) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

- Education:
PhD in Physics (research, modeling, programming, computer work, Microsoft office, presentation of my work), online courses (Edx), interest in many different topics (self-research and reading - astronomy, science, hystory, )

- Experiences (work):
teaching (math, physics for elementary and high school kids), English (advanced level, living abroad), project finance manager (secretary work, arranging lectures, communication with different parties, managing financial transactions, donations and payments), childcare (nanny for most of my life since I have a big family 😛 ) and tutoring (since physics is hard :P), bartender (festivals, nightclub ), , waitress(jazz bar, ho restaurant), receptionist(camping site)

- Volunteer work:
conference organization and help, festivals, event organization (music events, festivals), popularization of science (lectures and presentations in schools for children and youth)

- Skills & interests:
crafting ( i like to do stuff with my hands :P), chess, photography, sports (all kind of sport activities and love to try new ones), origami, cooking (always learning!), reading, pets (love animals <3)...

- What I would like to work on, but never did so far:
agriculture, gardening, animal care, sport events, cocktail mixing (to learn, big wish!)

About Me

I am very active and enthusiastic person that lives my life with full lungs ^^ ...after some years in academia life I want to explore my capabilities and adroitness in different life situations during a few months of traveling.

Goal: Travel, see the world and meet people. I am a bad tourist, what I love is to meet the true people that define the place I visit, listen to their everyday stories and help them in the everyday life. It is about sharing your old experiences and gaining
new ones ^^

Life philosophy: Enjoy small things, share what you have and bring happiness to where you go 🙂

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
