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live is short lets get together
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Harvesting Livestock - Animal Farming Fishing Farm Machine Operation Mushroom Farming Architecture Interior Designer Construction Machine Operation Human Resources Manager Marketing Office Work Public Relations Manager Caring House Cleaner Home Gardening Driver / Chauffeur Hotel Housekeeper (Manager) Animal Care Graphic Design Photography Painter (Creative) Writing & Journalism Blogger Music Theatre Work Entertainment Street Performance (Busking) Party Planner Comedian Web Designer Massage Therapist Nutrition Spiritual Art Meditation English Language Teacher (Native Speaker) Sound Engineer – Live Events and Festivals Lighting Engineer – Live Events and Festivals Volunteering Forestry Archaeologist Anthropologist
markus BODAMER
member since Sep 20 2018
My skills
i am a woodworker, musision- drumer and percussionist and teacher for these instruments, a gardener, a hauskeeper, a family man, a human, a traveler, a ciclist,
a improviser, a cooker, and many moore- open to everything and everybody- lets change the world
Languages Spoken
German (Mother Tongue) Italian (Medium)Full CV / Resume
woodworking around 10 jeares
musik and teaching around 20 jeares
family, kids, cooking, house work, gardening, sozial, around 20 jears
About Me
learning langhuiches, mentalitis from peopels of different nations, globel politiks, finanzsystems, military compexes, manipulations techniken, low, musik
coocing, sozial,