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10.0 from 1 reference

Lillia Panych



member since Jan 16 2021


My skills

I can perform basic building/plumbing jobs and gardening work. I am an experienced harvester.

I have experience with writing journalistic articles and site support.

I am passionate to gain skills in running tour groups/adventures and historic preservation!

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Beginner) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume


Hellgate Farm, Astoria, NY                                                                                                                    April 2015-Present

Farm Manager

·   Coordinate with staff and volunteers to build, plant, and harvest seasonal produce in an urban farm setting. Oversee and coordinate two of the farm collective’s salite garden sites. Recruit volunteers and outreach to community through social media and market stands

 Homestead Design Build LLC, Astoria, NY                                                                           April 2015-March 2020


·   Design and install plumbing utilities and fixtures in occupied residential settings. Formulate and perform multiple carpentry projects simultaneously, such as room framing and furniture making. Brainstorm innovative energy-saving alternatives and integrate sustainable building practices into production.

City Running Tours, LLC                                                                                                                                                         April 2015 – 2018

Tour Guide

·   Lead personalized tours of New York City neighborhoods and landmarks in a running format . Often solo lead groups of up to ten runners, negotiating busy city streets and language barriers with clients. Create follow-up to client thanking them for participation and posting pictures I have taken along route

 United Association of Plumbers Local 1, New York, NY                                                          Feb 2013 – April 2015

Building Trades Apprentice

·   Install all water supply, waste, gas piping and accessory units. Directly collaborate with professional licensed plumbers in hands-on construction. Read and interpret blueprint plans of architectural and structural features. Maintain high standards of workplace safety and diffuse potentially dangerous situations. Engage in accredited skills training classes and successfully pass all practical and written exams. Assume leadership role as union liaison in community and inter-union affairs


 CUNY HunterNew York, NY – Bachelor of Arts, Geography                                                                                                        May 2012

·   Summa Cum Laude, GPA

About Me

I love listening to and discovering music, preferably vintage music and music from across the world. I am obsessed with fitness and health, and love to run, exercise, hike and dance. I am passionate about cities and prefer to explore them by foot or public transportation. I love artistic cinema, and learning new languages. History is my favorite subject. I would love to one day work in the field of tour guiding to under-the-radar locales and/or historic preservation.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available


Jan 16 2021 Last Reference

Skills used 10.00

Punctuality & work ethic 10.00

Decision making 10.00

Help me create a guidebook to being a tourist in upstate NY during quarantine!


Jan 16 2021

Skills Used 10

Work Ethic 10

Decision Making 10


Lillia was an excellent worker. She came prepared with her skills and knowledge of tour guiding, journalistic writing, and most importantly, a flexibility and sense of adventure. She was very communicative and energetic, a real go-getter. She seemed to really have enjoyed learning about the history and culture of the area. I highly recommend taking Lillia on if she requests a work placement.