Lea Streich
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Lea Streich
member since Mar 27 2023
My skills
- I was working in multiple job sections (reception assistant, kitchen assistant, waitress, research field with a lot of office work). My main orientation is nursing (doing my bachelor at the moment) - open minded, motivated and empathic person, not shy to work hard and learn fast
Languages Spoken
German (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Medium) Spanish (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
- - Apprentieceship Healthcare Assistant
- - Medical Secretary and Assistant
- - Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, Orientation in Health and Social Care
- Healthcare Assistant
- Associate Study Nurse
- Study Nurse
- Healthcare Assistant
- Since Parttime Study for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
About Me
- during my free time my main interest are nature and sports. so you can find me skiing, hiking, rock climbing, running, swimming or just relaxing at the beach. And I'd really like to learn surfing.
- as much as I like sports I like new cultures and learning the different perceptions of life.