Alexandra Koptyaeva
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Alexandra Koptyaeva
member since Nov 10 2019
My skills
I'm very social and active person with positive vibes and lots of energy to share with others! Good in management, organising things, socialising, explaining details, teaching languages.
Languages Spoken
Russian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) German (Medium)Full CV / Resume
Team Leader – department
eperformance Greece | Athens, Greece | Apr/2019 – Sept/2019
o Help with the management and supervision of 37 Russian-speaking agents
o Work with QAs and Supervisors; answer questions, solving problems and concerns of the agents
Customer Service Agent – department
eperformance Greece | Athens, Greece | Oct/2018 – Apr/2019
o Social media content analysis in Russian and English
International Student Ambassador
Linköping University | Norrköping, Sweden | Sep/2016 – Oct/2017
o Worked with international students: recruitment ( education fairs, e campaigns,
inars), promoted the University’s programmes
o Helped students with their queries ( explained regulations; answered questions via ,
, and ; ed Student Unions);
o Blogging on a weekly basis about life and studies in Sweden and LiU
Project manager
National Research University “Higher School of Economics” | St. Petersburg,
Russia | Sep/2014 – May/2016
o Developed a system for conducting semi-structured interviews with workers and shop owners in
the retail sphere (project: “Immigrants in Retail in St. Petersburg”)
o Coordinated the activities ( data collection, fieldwork, seminars), monitored programme
developments and results, managed a group of 15 students
o Collected, analyzed and summarized data to highlight the key trends in trade
Team Leader of Teenagers Collective
Youth Labor Exchange | St. Petersburg, Russia | June/2016 – Aug/2016
o Managed teams of 30 teenagers between 14-18 years old;
o Oversaw teenagers’ engagement in landscaping of parks and yards in the countryside;
o Maintained discipline in a team, obtained a volume of work and its equal distribution;
o Safety compliance monitoring;
o Filled out reports on a daily and monthly basis
INGO Humanitarian Support Agency | Lesvos, Greece | Sep/2017 – Dec/2017
Daily clothing and hot drinks distribution, sorting of donations, English lessons for adults
Refugee Accommodation Center City Plaza | Athens, Greece | Jan/2017 – July/2017
English lessons for women and unaccompanied minors, co-management of the women
space, security shifts, social work with the residents, kitchen management
About Me
Outdoor activities: hiking, trekking, climbing, swimming, walking. Also, I love reading books, learning languages and discovering the new places around!