• Group logo of Restaurants / Catering 1558

    This category includes all forms of experience in restaurants and catering, from the professional with years of formal training to the fresh hire.

  • Group logo of Events 4013

    Events that have an audience and are live. This can be a festival to a car launch or a party for a King on a desert island.

  • Group logo of Hospitality 12028

    All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.

  • Group logo of Healing 1995


  • Group logo of Hostel Marketing Expert 200

    Only add this skill if you really know how to market a hostel. You need to be a wizz at social media, SEO and how to make flyers really work. But the most important thing is you need to know how to market a […]

  • Group logo of Football Instructor 313

    Football coach/instructor

  • Group logo of Hostel Night Shift Receptionist 493

    If your willing to work nights and have hostel reception experience or looking for a way into the hostel business then this is a good skill to add to your profile.

  • Group logo of Hostel Night Manager 300

    Someone who works just like the manager of the hostel but is a night owl and happy to work the night shifts running the hostel. You should have good hostel manager experience if you add this to your skills or be […]